• Poo, Poke and Post

    That heading above is from an actual advertisement in my GP’s office about getting your bowel checked for cancer. I think it’s clever and ranks up there with ‘do a deposit in your undies’ that was plastered all over Adelaide’s buses encouraging online banking. Anyhoo, Pooing, Poking and Posting usually occurs when you’re fifty, but…

  • Madame Marg

    Sorry, dear Reader. It has been a long time since visiting this blog. Like my physical self, it has periods of intense activity followed by slovenly neglect. We had been based at an Air BnB in Moonah for nearly three months and it was only during our final week when I was busy wearing out…

  • Shopping shockers

    I’ve been job hunting lately, amongst the stuff like trying to get a Medicare card, a refund from an incredibly disinterested UN health insurer and keeping my daily steps up, and was thrown by a scenario presented to me in an interview. “You are about to visit a woman who gets out of bed for…

  • Someone is staring at you in Personal Growth

    Thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing for these questions. (1) Like Plastic Mancunian I am an introvert who can very expertly be an extrovert when required. I can be funny or friendly, and learned during my solo travels in my early twenties that finding someone alone at a party when you feel alone and asking…

  • Mysterious money

    Way back in 1989, the “recession we had to have” was in full swing and as a newly-graduated non-expert in English Literature and Roman Art and Archaeology, the ANZ bank decided that I was a good bet for recruiting as a loans officer/graduate trainee at their bank. I was just grateful to have a job.…

  • Stupid sinks

    When we decided we were coming back home and that ‘home’ was going to be Hobart Tasmania, we looked up realestate.com.au and domain.com.au and had a map of the city close by. We also have a lifelong friend who grew up in Hobart, who gave us some very tactful warnings about where to not look…

  • Pan pipes from hell

    Moving back home to Australia after twelve years away (gee I’ve been writing that a lot lately) means that we have completely fallen out of the system. Drivers’ licenses need to be reverted from French back to Aussie ones; the bank needs assurance that we are who we insist we are, and Medicare has no…

  • Un-fun essentials

    Moving anywhere, whether it be to a different house in the same city or across the world, always mean having to buy new stuff. It doesn’t matter if you’ve crammed most of your belongings into a trailer, a rental van or even a shipping container, some of your stuff either can’t fit, is not allowed…

  • The Nanna Cart’s Prayer

    Our Nanna Cart, Who art in the porch, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in Coles, As it is in Woolies. Give us this day our daily bread, especially if it is on special. And forgive us our trips in the car, As we forgive them that pull out in…

  • Sunday Stealing Questionnaire

    Bev at Sunday Stealing has been a blog legend for yonks now, and puts out a list of questions for bloggers suffering from writer’s block to consider, answer and share. I’ve snaffled her latest series of questions and will attempt to answer them below. If your house was on fire, which three items would you…