• Poo, Poke and Post

    That heading above is from an actual advertisement in my GP’s office about getting your bowel checked for cancer. I think it’s clever and ranks up there with ‘do a deposit in your undies’ that was plastered all over Adelaide’s buses encouraging online banking. Anyhoo, Pooing, Poking and Posting usually occurs when you’re fifty, but…

  • Shopping shockers

    I’ve been job hunting lately, amongst the stuff like trying to get a Medicare card, a refund from an incredibly disinterested UN health insurer and keeping my daily steps up, and was thrown by a scenario presented to me in an interview. “You are about to visit a woman who gets out of bed for…

  • Someone is staring at you in Personal Growth

    Thanks to Bev at Sunday Stealing for these questions. (1) Like Plastic Mancunian I am an introvert who can very expertly be an extrovert when required. I can be funny or friendly, and learned during my solo travels in my early twenties that finding someone alone at a party when you feel alone and asking…

  • Mysterious money

    Way back in 1989, the “recession we had to have” was in full swing and as a newly-graduated non-expert in English Literature and Roman Art and Archaeology, the ANZ bank decided that I was a good bet for recruiting as a loans officer/graduate trainee at their bank. I was just grateful to have a job.…